In questo è rappresentato un giovane ragazzo in jeans e clarks legato a un bidone di catrame vuoto, denudato della camicia, schernito, deriso e fustigato con un corda.
Tale opera che qui è fotografata color terracotta, l'ho ultimata con una patina superficiale color madreperlato monotonale azzurro con un unico particolare diverso: I jeans rossi. I prossimi saranno di tonalità diverse mantenendo però quell'unico particolare sempre costante.
"Flagellation" - First of a series of bas-relief inspired by everyday news and by stations of “Via Crucis”. My characters wear modern clothing: - Jeans, sweaters, hairstyles and environment was thought amongst back streets, palaces of our unsafe and violent metropolis.This is a young boy in jeans and clarks linked to an empty barrel of tar, bared, mocked, derided and birched with a rope. The work here is photographed in his natural clay color, then was varnished with a superficial monotone nacreous cyan dye, only jeans I decided to underline with different color, I left them in red. The other episodes have different shades but keeping that details repeated.
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